When summer warms the north half of
the world, it is winter in the Antarctic. And there , in the coldest place on
the earth ,emperor penguins lay and hatch their eggs.
lies near the South Pole. Masses of snow and ice cover the land. Almost no
plants or animals live there.
The penguins that nest there must find food in the sea. But the hard life suits
the emperors.
kinds of penguins build nests of sticks or rocks. But in the Antarctic there is
only ice. Emperor penguins do not build nests. Instead ,each bird has a special
flap for holding eggs. The flap is found on the lower part of the bird's belly.
the early winter the mother penguin lays a single egg. Soon after she lays the
egg, she turns it over to her mate. She helps move the egg onto his feet. He
will hold it there under his flap and keep it warm And when the chick hatches,
he will feed him a milky food that is made in his throat.
the mother bird sets out for the sea. She has not eaten for a long time, so she
is hungry.
trip to the sea is a very long one .It would take many days if the penguins had
to walk the whole way. But they have found a quicker way to travel. Throwing
themselves down on their bellies, penguins can scoot on the ice. They dig their
claws into the ice and push. Then they use their little wings for balance.
the edge of the ice the females dive into the sea. There they feed on fish and
small creatures. After the females have eaten their fill, they do not stop
eating. They fill sacs in their throats with food for the new chicks that they
have never seen.
two months, the mothers return to the chicks. Now it's father's turn. He and
the other males have waited patiently for the females to return. They haven't
eaten anything , but nibbles of snow. Now they make the same long trip to the
sea. Soon the mothers run out of food, but the fathers will return with more
food for the hungry young. The parents take turns going back and forth to the
1 . To keep the egg warm , the male
penguin _________.
a) puts it in a special nest
b) keeps it in the seawater
c) holds it under his flap
d) buries it under the ice
2. To shorten the trip distance to
the sea, the penguins _________.
a) walk for many days
b) slide along the ice on their bellies.
c) dive into the sea and feed on fish and small sea creatures
d) swim the rivers that lead to the sea..
3.The passage says that_____________
bring the food to the chicks.
a) only female penguins
b) only male penguins
c) both male and female .
d) some small sea creatures.
4 .The underlined word “ there” in paragraph ( 2) refers to ________.
b) North Pole
c) the sea
d) the earth
5 .What is the main idea of the passage ?.
a) How the penguins feed their chicks.
b) Antarctica is a very cold place.
c) How penguins lay eggs.
d) How the penguins manage to live on the
coldest place on the earth.
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